Use Staff Activity Report to Improve Office Efficiency & Productivity

If your firm’s managing partners or office administrators aren’t utilizing the Staff Activity report, they certainly should be. A law firm’s success is dependent on the efficiency, diligence, and work ethic of its support staff. We all know that for the most part, it is a firm’s paralegals and legal assistants who are handling the nitty-gritty of the cases that stream through their office.

SmartAdvocate’s Staff Activity Report allows you to track and assess the productivity of individual employees. You can utilize this report for a number of different purposes. For example, you can run this report to effectively distribute work, as well as find out which employees need additional training concerning a particular aspect of their job function. The Staff Activity Report additionally helps managing partners and office administrators evaluate their employees’ growth and performance during their duration of employment.

SmartAdvocate’s Staff Activity Report is easily accessible from the Universal Top Menu Bar by clicking on the Reports Dropdown and selecting Staff Activity Report.

You’ll notice that as soon as you click on this tab, an up to the minute report is generated. Yes, this report is defaulted to display the work done by your staff members up to the time you decide to view it and covering a full 24 hours prior.

So, let’s say it is April 13, 2016, 12:00pm and you decide to run this report. You will get a listing of all the work performed from April 12, 2016, 12:00pm to April 13, 2016, 12:00pm. Go ahead, refresh that page and you’ll see that the report will be updated to the current time. In this report you will see your staff member’s activities including: cases worked on, cases visited, documents generated/attached/scanned, notes created/modified, file review/client contact, tasks created/modified, negotiations created/modified, settlements created/modified, and a tally of all their actions noted as the activity index.

But, it doesn’t stop there! Simply click on the staff member’s name and get the details of the aforementioned activities.

So you’ll see which cases were worked and visited and will be provided a link for quick access to the case. You will also see the actual notes that were created and modified. Additionally, both reports can be exported to a number of formats, including PDF, Excel, or Word.

Lastly, as with every other report within SmartAdvocate, you can subscribe to the Staff Activity Report and have it sent to you automatically. So, you can schedule to automatically receive this report daily, weekly, or monthly and at any time of day that you choose.