The SmartAdvocate App - Yes, There is an App for That!

The cell phone (or more appropriately, the "Smart phone"), has become a ubiquitous fixture in our daily lives. Now the device is more like an appendage rather than a tool used for convenience. We cannot live without our cell phones and most of us simply could not function without them!Similarly, those attorneys and their staffs who have implemented SmartAdvocate as their case management system are finding it more and more difficult to function without SmartAdvocate! So, the engineers at SmartAdvocate have developed the smart phone app. Now SmartAdvocate can be available to you at all times, even on your Smart Phone. The SmartAdvocate App is far more than just another icon on your phone. Here are just a few of the many reasons you need it.

SmartAdvocate App

Functionally, the SmartAdvocate App provides a wealth of features that gives the user direct access to SmartAdvocate in the office. For example, through the App, you get direct access to your calendar, case files and contacts. In addition, you can drill down to the Documents and Notes in a specific file and see all Contacts, the Case Summary and Timeline in a file.

Case Summary

A quick tap on the navigation bar give you the options of listing your Recent Cases (list of 20 most recent cases accessed), My Cases (cases assigned to you), the ability to perform a Case Search, Contact Search or Add a Contact to the database.

Recent Cases

You have several options for displaying your calendar – Grid View, Weekly View, Monthly View or Yearly View.

You have several options for displaying your calendar – Grid View, Weekly View, Monthly View or Yearly View.
Calendar 2

You can quickly edit an appointment right from the App. A simple swipe to the left on the appointment will give you the options of editing the appointment or adjourning it.

You can quickly edit an appointment right from the App. A simple swipe to the left on the appointment will give you the options of editing the appointment or adjourning it.

A quick tap on the Plus sign will allow you to add a new appointment to your calen dar. All entries that are made through the SmartAdvocate App are immediately synched to SmartAdvocate back in your office!Right now, the SmartAdvocate App is available for iPhone and iPad. An Android version is in the works and will be introduced later this year.Oh, and one other thing. The App is free! You do have to configure it to sync with your system, though. We'll give you the instructions and you or your IT personnel can set it up. If you prefer us to do it for you, we'll be happy to do so (there is a small charge for our time, however).Convinced yet? Now that you have gotten a taste of the numerous benefits to your practice of using the SmartAdvocate App, there is no reason it shouldn't be the next App installed on your mobile device!