The Backbone of Your Firm: Case data securely protected & easily accessible

Backbone of Your Firm

The critical data infrastructure is the backbone of your firm.  Is yours strong enough?  With SmartAdvocate, your entire practice and all its data can be at your fingertips. While the pandemic upended any plans for 2020, with a powerfully reliable case management system, you do not have to worry about the inability to continue working. SmartAdvocate’s dynamic and fully integrated case management software makes all the difference during these times of navigating a new reality and working environment.

SmartAdvocate understands law firms like yours.

This system was engineered and designed by national, high-powered lawyers for their own offices. With this unique perspective, SmartAdvocate offers exclusive features that save you time and increase the overall efficiency of your firm.  With such a relatable understanding for what lawyers are looking for in their case management system, SmartAdvocate has been recognized year-after-year winning awards from numerous bar associations as well as the New York Law Journal and New Jersey Law Journal.  With continual releases and updates to the system, SmartAdvocate software will never be outdated.

SmartAdvocate makes sense for firms of any size.

Managing cases takes the same horsepower whether you’re small or big. SmartAdvocate has options and plans for firms of every size, along with the ability to customize your SmartAdvocate system with over 100 integration partners we work with.  Depending on what your firm uses and needs the most, you can tailor SmartAdvocate to achieve exactly what you want it to.

SmartAdvocate can move quickly in these difficult days of the COVID-19 pandemic.

We can transfer your current data to the server or the cloud version of SmartAdvocate, depending on which you select for your firm. Regardless of your choice, your data is securely stored and safe from global hackers. You won’t lose the effort you’ve already invested in your current case management software.

SmartAdvocate fully trains your attorneys and staff.

With basic to administrator level trainings available, your staff will rapidly be more efficient, productive, and highly confident of their new skills to navigate the SmartAdvocate system. They’ll quickly be creating, managing, and completing every document, task, appointment, and detail of each case in your office, as well as sending and managing emails, phone messages, and text messages.

SmartAdvocate has robust built-in dashboards and reporting features.

SmartAdvocate provides firm management with robust, built-in dashboards and comprehensive reports that will help you manage both your current cases and your new cases – down to the details of where your cases are coming from.  Your firm’s management can even view all staff performance, overdue tasks, impending deadlines, fees earned, and much more! SmartAdvocate gives you real time information and advantages you need to be more profitable, efficient, and productive that will continue even when COVID-19 is a memory of the past.

Request a demonstration by calling now or scheduling an appointment online today. SmartAdvocate is here to help your firm navigate working through the COVID-19 pandemic as the most powerful, fully integrated, work-from-anywhere, award winning case management system available today. For a demo, call 1-877-GET-SMART (1-877-438-7627) or click here to schedule now.


Year Awards
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Covid-19-Ready for your Law Practice  

Practice Management Software at Your Fingertips for Your Office, Home, Tablet & Smartphone

SmartAdvocate LLC | 6 Harbor Park Drive, Port Washington, NY 11050  | Call 1-877-438-7627

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