Must-Have Technology for Better Client Service

I was reading the Tech Tips column on the Attorney at Work website. This week’s column is entitled “Must-Have Technology for Better Client Service.” Obviously, we here at SmartAdvocate are big proponents of using more technology to improve law firm operations, so I was curious to see what specific technologies they were endorsing.

The article consists of seven tips from various experts. Several of them relate specifically to features and/or functions contained in SmartAdvocate. Let me share them with you:

Add “Contact Us” Forms on Your Website

We couldn’t agree more with the author’s belief that these forms are “indispensable.” That’s why we created the technology to integrate them into SmartAdvocate. When a prospective client fills out the form, it normally sends an e mail to someone at the firm. With our integration, the information contained in the form is automatically pushed into SmartAdvocate and used to create a new case file.

This is a great time saver for your intake department. Call your SmartAdvocate representative if you’re interested in having us build this integration for you.

Try Live Chat to Improve Client Communication

Again, this is something we’ve promoted for years. Our integration with Ngage will take those chat transcripts and push them directly into SmartAdvocate, creating a new case file.

This is a stock integration that can be installed quickly and at low cost. If you’re not using live chat, or if you haven’t integrated your chat into SmartAdvocate, you should be taking a long, hard look at this.

Start Using Video Communication – For Everything

Video conferencing and communication (like Face Time) are great. If you want to record those video conversations, you can save them in SmartAdvocate as document files.

We’ve also recently added incoming photo and video text messaging capability to our texting integration. Your clients can send you accident scene photos or videos, for example. Those are then stored directly in the client’s case file in SmartAdvocate.

Whose Call Are You Missing?

The benefits of having a virtual receptionist service are obvious. Calls are always answered and are done so by a trained professional who is able to conduct the intake interview.

We’ve had a partnership with Legal Intake Professionals for years. Not only do they serve as your intake department (or augment your in-house intake staff), our integration with them automatically sends the intake information into SmartAdvocate, where a new case file is created.

Technology has evolved to a point where it is readily available and inexpensive. The benefit to cost ratio is extremely high. We’ve incorporated a tremendous amount of technology in SmartAdvocate so that our clients are able to do more with less – fewer staff hours. SmartAdvocate clients understand how critical these systems and features are to their success. That’s why we are constantly improving and enhancing the system. As the technology continues to evolve, so will SmartAdvocate!