Happy Clients Drive Profitability And Build Brand Loyalty

In 2020, customer/client experience (CX) is everything. Today’s savvy customers demand a balanced approach between humanity and automation. Personalization is an essential factor in CX, as is providing the client’s access to pertinent information without overly intrusive staff interaction.

Research clearly shows that it takes very little to turn a satisfied client into an indifferent one. The chaos and uncertainty COVID-19 brought to the world only further heightened the premium placed on a positive customer journey.

Now more than ever, busy law firms must focus on client happiness if they expect to survive these tumultuous times. Therefore, a commitment to keeping clients happy via an excellent CX should be a top priority for today’s busy law firms.

Fortunately, SmartAdvocate takes the guesswork out of the equation when it comes to nurturing happy clients. Our Client Portal provides the tools needed to elevate client status from merely satisfied to highly satisfied. Here are a few of the ways our portal makes life easier for your staff and clients:

  • Provide clients 24/7 instant access to their case information, including documents, the case calendar, notes, and more
  • Increases staff productivity with less time spent answering basic client inquiries
  • You maintain complete control over what your client can view on the Portal
  • Clients can conveniently and securely send you documents

The global pandemic found many employees ill-equipped to manage their workload away from the office. When your staff and clients have 24/7 access to our Client Portal, things progress smoothly, paving the path to an excellent attorney/client relationship. SmartAdvocate makes streamlining communication accessible with our proactive approach that allows the sharing of critical information with ease and efficiency.

Furthermore, SmartAdvocate provides the tools needed to build trust within the attorney/client relationship. Clients can quickly and conveniently forward sensitive documents via our secure portal and communicate any specific needs that may arise during the client journey.

SmartAdvocate makes it easy to get business done safely and securely – it truly offers a win-win opportunity for everyone involved. Our cutting-edge technology saves time and alleviates frustration for both your clients and staff alike. Clear and concise communication from your firm delivered via our secure customer portal will encourage client trust while keeping your clients informed and happy.

After all, if clients can relate to a positive CX, imagine the significant boost in brand loyalty. Now more than ever, customers stay loyal to companies that exceed their expectations. Brand awareness is one thing, but being the firm clients can count on takes satisfaction to a whole other level. SmartAdvocate improves the CX and elevates your client’s experience with your firm.