Fast and Easy Template Creation Using the “Word Add-On” Tab
We all have our favorite forms, letters, documents, and pleadings that we save on our desktop or in our c-drive for quick access. The problem is that we always have to customize the pleading to fit the case on which we are presently working:
The problem with that process is that:
- All relevant data must be replaced every time you want to use your form for a different case: Names, dates, venue, incident information, facts of the case. This is extremely time consuming.
- The margin for error is high since you may miss the replacement of a name/date/some other case-specific-fact somewhere within your form.
With SmartAdvocate® this process has been eliminated. You will no longer have these worries. All you have to do—and you only need to do this once—is:
- Open your form in Word.
- Click on the SmartAdvocate® “Word-Add-On” tab.
Replace the relevant information: plaintiff information, Court information, defendant information, incident fact information, etc. with the merge code that has already been created for you. This is accomplished with one click.
- Select “Save As” and give your form a name, a category, and a subcategory.
- Save
Your favorite letter, form, pleading, or document is now available to you and to your firm in your template folder, all without the hassle of having to re-invent the wheel or having to search for forms on your desktop or c-drive.
SmartAdvocate® allows you to have uniformity at a higher level firm-wide.